Fisher gets in touch with Jamie stealing two way walkie-talkie. The first step is to pretend to be detained in Ellsworth Penitentiary where he meets an important member of the JBA: Jamie Washington. A Fisher then is given the task to infiltrate the JBA and destroy it.
Cut your hair by shaving his head and accepts the most difficult missions. Fisher escapes and while it is on the aircraft for the extraction, Lambert tells him that his daughter has died hit by a hit and run. Set off the charge and took the information, Fisher receives an urgent call from his boss Irving Lambert already appeared in previous Splinter Cell, which will tell you to cancel the mission because something happened to Sarah, daughter of Sam. Fisher now has the task of placing the explosives in the main power plants and to obtain information on Red Mercury weapon interest Takfir and Emile Dufrasne head of the JBA.
After the outdoor area, Fisher enters the base with the help of Hamza and the two are separated at the moment.
The game will start in Iceland where Sam Fisher with his partner Hisham Hamza have the task of finding the crates containing the material of interest to the terrorist Takfir.